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Home Improvement Blogs – Calgary

Home improvement tips and tricks for Calgary homeowners.

Found 58 blog entries about Home Improvement Blogs – Calgary.

Common Signs of Foundation ProblemsAre you seeing small cracks begin to form over windows or doors? Your home's foundation may need some attention. Canadian homeowners who want to protect the equity in their homes need to find out more about signs of foundation damage.

Avoid a costly repair down the road when choosing to address early signs of foundation damage. Learn more about signs of foundation damage, types of foundation cracks and other common questions today.

What Are Some Initial Signs of Foundation Damage?

A cracked wall may not be an indication of serious foundation damage as some older homes will experience unevenness and settle over time. However, there are some obvious signs of foundation damage and an experienced structural engineer can provide more information of

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High ROI Bathroom Remodeling IdeasBathroom renovation is an excellent way for a homeowner to boost the sale price of their home. However, not all renovations are created equal. Homeowners who want to get the best ROI must plan their remodel wisely. Buying economical fixtures can help, as can purchasing fixtures that specifically interest home buyers.

Install Low-Flow Fixtures

Protecting the environment is of major importance to many homeowners, as is saving money. Low-flow fixtures do both at the same time. The standard low-flow toilets use 4.8 litres per flush. This represents significant water savings compared to the old toilets, which used about 6 litres per flush.

Low flow fixtures are just one of the many eco-friendly materials available to homeowners. Other

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How Solar Panels Help Sell HomesWhen people begin to prepare their home for sale, they often start by making property improvements in hopes of enticing buyers. One of the many improvements that some people consider when they're trying to sell their home is installation of solar panels. If you're a homeowner thinking about selling your property in the next few months and you'd like to install solar panels, it's important to know whether or not this is a valuable addition to your property and what you can do to maximize the ROI from the installation.

The Value Of Solar Panels

Solar panels can vary in their value, depending on the positioning of the house, the amount of shade on the property and the amount of energy the household consumes. In general, it is believed that solar

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How to Select a Home Style for YouThe many styles of architecture in Canada may sometimes seem like a hodgepodge to the untrained eye. However, home buyers can learn about their options so they can make a smarter decision. Those who may not be sure what kind of house they want should keep the following facts in mind before they start putting in their bids.

For informational purposes only. Always consult with a licensed real estate professional before proceeding with any real estate transaction.

A Ranch style home in Canada refer to any single story home, usually with an attached patio or deck space. The original idea behind the ranch style was to link the homeowner as closely as possible to the landscape. If there was an emergency with the cattle in the middle of the night, a

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Importance of Acting Quickly When Addressing MouldThe dangers of mould are all too real for today's homeowners and their families. This often invisible and silent threat can cause serious damage to a home's structural integrity and source numerous health issues to humans and pets. Mould in the home isn't always readily apparent to the eye, but the body may realize it sooner rather than later. Individuals with mould sensitivity or allergies are likely to experience increased asthmatic symptoms, watery and itchy eyes, sneezing and coughing, sore throat and/or headaches. While leaving mould untreated will cause structural damage, too, the health risks of mould to humans are reason enough to act fast with a mould inspection and remediation if necessary.

Structural Signs of Mould in the Home

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Waste Water Treatment in House Septic systems are common in rural areas and less so in cities and towns like Calgary. Many people who move to the country from a larger community know little about septic systems and what to expect.

If you’re thinking about moving into a home with a septic tank, it’s important to understand how a septic system works and what kind of maintenance is involved.

Septic Systems Vs. Sewers

A sewer is an underground channel that connects your home to your community’s water treatment facility. Homeowners who use sewers are only responsible for maintaining the sewer line that runs beneath their own property, and most sewers need little to no regular maintenance.

A septic tank is an underground tank connected to a drain field. All waste water

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Is Cabinet Refinishing or Cabinet Replacement in Kitchens BestWhen kitchen cabinets begin looking dated or Southeast Calgary homeowners simply tire of the style of color, it is a great time to consider cabinet refinishing or cabinet replacement. Here are the differences between these two course of action, so that owners can make an informed choice concerning this costly investment.

The Process of Cabinet Refinishing

Cabinet refinishing can be a challenging process, even if using an all-in-one kit. The process begins by removing the cabinet's facing and drawers and then removing any hardware present. Refinishing involves removing old stain or paint and sanding the surfaces thoroughly. This is followed by a good cleaning before applying primer, a new color or non-toxic wood stain, and then sealing them.

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Do Dogs Deter Burglars?Get a dog as a loyal companion or as an excuse to get daily exercise. Count on a noisy dog to give pause to vandals and pranksters, but protect a home in other ways as well. Security companies and serious burglars alike say that barking dogs might send a "stay away" message to nuisance visitors, but that determined criminals are not likely to be deterred solely by Fido or Fifi. 

How Well Do Dogs Protect Your Home?

As much as you may hate it when your dog barks when someone walks past your Calgary house or when someone walks up the front step, you may secretly be happy that Fido is on duty protecting your home from strangers. But are bad guys really deterred by a dog in the house? If there’s something in your home they want, will a dog really

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Home Improvement ToolsIt's official: today's housing market favors the prepared seller. While housing crises of years past created a substantial decrease in home sales for years, the return of consumer confidence has caused the housing market to rebound in remarkable ways.

According to recent studies, asking prices are at a record high and increasing in many parts of the country. Home inventory is also on the rise, causing sellers to compete for the quickest sales.

Home Improvement Fundamentals

In a housing market rife with competition, sellers can get creative to stand out and improve a home's chance of selling. Many homeowners make significant home improvements before selling to attract the ideal home buyer.

But what home improvements add the most value?

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The Importance of Universal Design in HomesThere are a variety of reasons for homeowners to turn their homes barrier-free. Whether it's an elderly relative coming to stay or homeowners preparing themselves for the years ahead, making a home as accessible as possible is the only way to encourage an independent lifestyle for a higher quality of life.

But homeowners also need to take into account the demographics of their neighbourhood as well. If the area is skewing toward an older crowd, making some improvements can also be a great way to increase resale value. Here are a few tips for those looking to eliminate the barriers so seniors can move wherever they want, whenever they want.

Thoughtful Designs

One popular idea that has been moving through the real estate world like wildfire is

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