Get a dog as a loyal companion or as an excuse to get daily exercise. Count on a noisy dog to give pause to vandals and pranksters, but protect a home in other ways as well. Security companies and serious burglars alike say that barking dogs might send a "stay away" message to nuisance visitors, but that determined criminals are not likely to be deterred solely by Fido or Fifi.
How Well Do Dogs Protect Your Home?
As much as you may hate it when your dog barks when someone walks past your Calgary house or when someone walks up the front step, you may secretly be happy that Fido is on duty protecting your home from strangers. But are bad guys really deterred by a dog in the house? If there’s something in your home they want, will a dog really
It's official: today's housing market favors the prepared seller. While housing crises of years past created a substantial decrease in home sales for years, the return of consumer confidence has caused the housing market to rebound in remarkable ways.
According to recent studies, asking prices are at a record high and increasing in many parts of the country. Home inventory is also on the rise, causing sellers to compete for the quickest sales.
Home Improvement Fundamentals
In a housing market rife with competition, sellers can get creative to stand out and improve a home's chance of selling. Many homeowners make significant home improvements before selling to attract the ideal home buyer.
There are a variety of reasons for homeowners to turn their homes barrier-free. Whether it's an elderly relative coming to stay or homeowners preparing themselves for the years ahead, making a home as accessible as possible is the only way to encourage an independent lifestyle for a higher quality of life.
But homeowners also need to take into account the demographics of their neighbourhood as well. If the area is skewing toward an older crowd, making some improvements can also be a great way to increase resale value. Here are a few tips for those looking to eliminate the barriers so seniors can move wherever they want, whenever they want.
Thoughtful Designs
One popular idea that has been moving through the real estate world like wildfire is
A condition of purchase is a stipulation a buyer makes to a seller that must be met before finalizing the home sale. Some buyers submit their Offer to Purchase with no conditions, meaning they buy the property as-is, but this is generally only done when purchasing obvious fixer-uppers or if there's a particularly hot market where a buyer has to do so just to remain competitive. Most people have at least a few conditions that they present to a seller during the negotiation period, so buyers should understand how they work before they begin to structure an offer for their City Centre home.
An offer to buy normally comes with a financial backing of either cash-in-hand or a letter of pre-approval from a bank. While a bank's pre-approval
Home buyers who make a down payment of less than 20 percent are usually obligated to pay insurance for the mortgage itself. With this information, borrowers can understand how lenders mortgage insurance works, and what they can expect to pay for a home in East Calgary or elsewhere.
How Does Mortgage Insurance Differ from Home Insurance?
Mortgage insurance is typically called "Lenders Mortgage Insurance" simply because it is designed to protect the lender in the event that the borrower defaults on the mortgage. Home insurance exists to protect the homeowner and the items inside the home. Mortgage insurance is typically obtained by the lender, and the lender has the option to pass on that cost to the borrower. Many lenders expect home buyers to
Homes need constant repair in order to remain functional, because appliances and equipment that are used on a regular basis will deteriorate with time. Homeowners who put off repairs and upgrades will find themselves dealing with all of these problems at once when the time comes to sell. Deferred maintenance can devalue a property. Some deferred maintenance, like plumbing leaks, can lead to other costly issues, like mold. Repairing problems in their early stages can prevent a more costly problem from occurring.
What to Do About Deferred Maintenance When Selling
Homeowners who want to sell their North West Calgary property must make repairs to their home before putting the house on the market. Once the home is put on the market, the homeowner
Like most major purchases, home buying is a major step in the buyer's life. Between the financial responsibilities, the negotiations, and the seemingly endless numbers of homes to tour, it's common for new home buyers to be unsure about how to get started. However, once buyers know the basics, they'll be far more likely to choose a home that works for them at a price they can afford.
For informational purposes only. Always consult with a licensed real estate professional before proceeding with any real estate transaction.
Managing Your Finances Before a Home Purchase
Home buyers need to know their price range before they can do anything else. How much a buyer can afford is not necessarily as intuitive as it may seem, so buyers are encouraged
For every similarity that rural and urban homes have in the home buying process, there are a handful of important differences to be aware of. Rural areas offer a lot of benefits, but you have to be prepared for the lifestyle and challenges that come with rural living.
These four questions can help you to quickly establish the nature of the rural homes you may want to buy.
What are the Limits on Construction?
In many cases, buying rural property means that you have fewer limits on what you can do with the space. Without a homeowners association or even neighbours nearby, you may be able to get more creative in building up your home.
However, you should still look at the zoning and ordinances of the area. If you plan to keep horses or
The end of summer and beginning of fall is a time when many outdoor pests start looking for a winter home. Mice and rats in particular are a common problem for homeowners at this time of year. This is especially true for homeowners in rural areas, where outdoor pests are abundant. At this time of year, homeowners must do what they can to fortify their home and keep pests out.
Seal Holes in the Home Exterior
Many pests enter the house through foundation cracks, open vents, pipes and other holes into the house. Sealing these holes is very important. Use wire screen to cover vents, to allow air to flow to continue. Use caulk to seal cracks. Homeowners can find the holes that need to be covered up by walking around the house from the outside and
Home renovation projects are not all created equal when it comes to your end resale value. Learn more about which projects pay off and which may set you back.
Renovating a home is always going to be an exciting prospect for an owner who wants to make a positive change in their household. However, there are some projects that offer better returns than others when it comes to resale value. While there are no guarantees as to how much your project will pay off, there are averages a homeowner can use to prioritize their remodeling plans. The average cost of a home remodel is close to 65%, but many projects net much less.
Bathroom Additions
According to many studies, bathroom additions tend to recoup around 56% of the cost to install. While there's
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